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Carbon Reporting Dashboard

Track key Carbon Output metrics with the Carbon data dashboard. Includes Project & Daily Totals, biggest Carbon Burning Resource, and the ability to dive into breakdowns. 

Aphex Power BI Carbon Dashboard

Five Carbon reporting templates from real, live construction projects

Aphex Power BI Carbon Dashboard

Project Carbon Output

Track the overall Carbon output for your project, how it's changing, and the leading contributors. See crucial stats at a glance from any point in time. 

Carbon Output Breakdown

Automatic call-out of the most carbon-intensive resource on the project. Then, break down your Carbon Output to identify, and reduce the use of, any heavy hitters. 

  • WBS 
  • Labour
  • Plant
  • Material
Aphex Power BI Carbon Reporting Labour
Aphex BI Carbon Dashboard: Activities

Carbon Intensive Activities

Highlight the biggest contributors to Carbon in your delayed activities and upcoming activities. See the carbon cost of delays and make better decisions.

Carbon Cost Factor Excel

Download includes a Carbon / Day Input table that's structured, formatted and ready to go -  so you can get from data to insight quickly.

Aphex Power BI Template Carbon Input Excel

Psst! Want to build a report from scratch?

If Power Query and DAX are your idea of a good time,  jump over to our Power BI API doc to check out Authentication and Data Models in more detail.

Lookahead planning, reinvented.